Sunday, 12 February 2012

Hubby's training plan!

I have now finished breastfeeding P I have picked back up weight training. I used to weight train 2 - 3 times per week and was making progress. I almost got up to squatting my body weight and then I dropped the weigh training to concentrate on my half marathon training.

Now as most of you know my hubby is a avid body builder and I said that I wanted to pick back up the weights again and he offered to train me and whoop my butt into shape. We've tried to work out before together but we have completely different ways of working out. He's a shouty motivational type where I like to keep my head down and get on with it and not speak. I agreed as I thought it would be great to spend some time together and also have his knowledge and experience and help me shift this baby weight.

We have 2 days a week where he is not at the gym which is Tues and Fri so these were our new days of him training me. Tues consists of Legs and Shoulders and Fri is Chest, Back and Arms. Triceps will be worked on both days as he's determined to banish my bingo wings!

First day was legs, oh boy I forgot how hard they can be! My workout consisted of:

Lunges with dumbells, dumbell squats, squats using the gym ball, straight legged deadlifts.

We then moved onto Shoulders and triceps which was: Shoulder press, side lateral raises, front lateral raises, tricep dips and then kickbacks. My legs, shoulders and arms were on fire by the time we had finished. Bearing in mind this was the first time I had lifted weights for almost 2 years you would have thought he had gone easy on me but no! I started off doing light warm up set, then heavy and then to failure. Many a time I could have picked up a dumbell and whacked him around the head when he was shouting come on give me two more and I'm begging like someone being tortured to let me stop LOL!

Friday was back, chest and arms which consisted of double arm bent over rows, single arm rows, chest press (using the gym ball), chest flies, dumbell pull overs (using the gym ball), tricep dips and bicep curls . Again using his method of warm up, heavy and then to failure. My arms were hanging off by the time we finished. Then to finish he got the ab wheel out and I did 3 sets (2 of 15 and then the last one to failure).

I have a love/hate relationship for lifting weights, I absolutely hate it when I'm doing it, I secretly like the doms but I love the results. So watch this space for training updates and progress pics :D

1 comment:

  1. I totally agere with you han, whilst you are doing it you think you might die, then after you get that awesome feeling like it was no big deal! Keep going you are doing an awesome job!
