I was just about to post my progress pics from October to November and I noticed that its been a year since I started taking my pictures and measurements.
First of all I'll show you this months comparison pics. Left is October and Right is November.
Slight progress made which I can see so I'm pleased.
Here are the stats: Weight: 10st 3.8lbs (-1.8lbs), Waist: 29.5" (sts), Hips: 37.25 (-0.25), Thighs: 19.5" (-0.5"), Calf: 14.25 (-0.25), Arms: 11 (-0.25), Under Bust: 30 (sts), Full Bust 35 (sts).
A total of 1.8lbs and 1.25" for the month. Progress has slowed down but its still in the right direction.
Anyway as I mentioned before its been a year since I starting taking pictures and measurements so thought I'd do a year comparison. Left is November 2011 and Right is November 2012
I'm very happy with the progess I've made over the last year. Not sure where I'm going now but I 'm going to continue plodding along as I am for the moment.