Friday 27 August 2010

Work, eat, sleep and train!

This has been my life for the last 18 weeks!

Things have been pretty manic in the G household over the last few months. I'm working fulltime and then training for the half marathon and feel like I've been a recluse from normal life! I know once the half is out the way I can get some normality back in my life. My son has been poorly as well with severe constipation and we had to concentrate on getting him right and sorting out his diet to enable him to come off the meds. Diary is out as is cakes, chocolate and generally all processed foods. It's hard to explain to a two year old that he can't have certain foods but it's for his own good, in fact it will benefit us all. Thank goodness for Nakd bars, this is his new treat and he loves them and they are all good stuff!

The half is just over a week and I have a mix bag of emotions, excited, nervous, and overall can't wait for it to be over. My love of running has been dwindling and I can't wait to get back out there for enjoyment rather then having to do a certain distance because it is my training plan. The one thing I'm pretty excited about is meeting Kat from Fat Kat to Pretty Kitty, Gayle from Running Slim, Alex and hopefully Nicola from Fitness and Cake, these girls are amazing online support and can't wait to meet them in real life. It's a shame that Neen from Broadbean to Runnerbean and Laura from Super Veggie won't be there but I'm sure they will be in spirit!

With all this going on I've been attempting to get my eating back on track. We went on holiday and all ate badly resulted in me putting on 8lbs in so many days!!! I was now sitting at 9lbs above my first goal and 13lbs above my second goal of 9st 10lbs. I did not like it one bit so things had to change. After a clean up on the diet and my serious training for the half I'm pleased to report i've lost 9.2lbs in 6 weeks, 2.8 of those this week alone and I'm now 9st 13.8lbs. Oh how good it feels to be back under that 10st again, I'm grining like a Cheshire Cat today :0)


  1. Oh dear - poor little Lewis. :( I've only ever had constipation once in my adult life and its the worse thing EVER! So I feel for him.
    Well done on shifting those lbs, I'm in a proper long plateau at the minute. Doing my nut in! xx

  2. awww poor lewis the big C is awful i had it loads after the accident! really painful! bless him! your totally going to rock that half babes! i'm so sorry i cant be ther but i sure will be there in spirit! i'll be holding the cake!
